Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Living My Life

Hello everyone!!! I hope everybody is doing well and having a wonderful week. I am finally taking some time to work on my blog once again. This post I wanted to share some pictures with you showing what has been happening in my life lately. Hope you enjoy them! :)

This is Jeremiah and I ready to go to church one Sunday. We go to "High Praise Worship Center" in Panama City, FL. We LOVE this church, and I always cannot wait to go. I always leave there with a Spirit filled heart, and having unbelievable joy that God is my Father. They have an awesome worship band, and the preaching is just what my soul longs for. So this is Jere and me taking a few pictures before getting into the van to head to church.

One day when Jeremiah was off work we decided to go to Blue Springs to go swimming. It was so hot, and we just needed to cool off. Blue Springs is a natural spring, and it's VERY cold. So we put our swimming gear on, and left the house with sunny, bright skies. But when we are halfway there it starts raining. It didn't rain very much so we decided to keep on going. We pulled into the park, payed our fees, parked, got out, and walked to the water's edge. Then everyone heard a loud boom of thunder, and everyone was ordered to get out of the water. All Jeremiah and I could do was sit there and look at the water we had almost been able to swim in. Every time it thundered it was another thirty minutes before anyone could get in so we finally left to go to Wal-Mart. Instead we bought Monopoly, went home, cooked hamburgers and fries, and played Monopoly all evening long.

On the way to Blue Springs

Jeremiah driving while going to Blue Springs

Jeremiah driving while going to Blue Springs

Bright, sunny skies when we left

Rained just a little on the way to Blue Springs

This was as close to the water as we came

Another picture of the water

I haven't posted any pictures of my cats in awhile so here are some I have taken recently. Hope you enjoy these. I don't have any recent pictures of Fluffy since she stays outside a lot of the time now. The pictures below are of Izzie and Midnight.